We have compiled various CDAAC resources to inform our members, employers and the public about the role of CDAs in professional settings.

Guidelines and Position Statements

CDAAC Position Statement: Formal Training (Position Statement on the use of formally trained and non-formally trained supportive personnel in the field of communication disorders)

CDAAC Position Statement: CDAs and Regulation (CDAAC’s stance on regulation within the CDA profession)

CDA Scope of Practice: Speech and Language (Scope of Practice for CDAs working under the supervision of an Speech Language Pathologist: A Companion Document to Guidelines on the Use of Supportive Personnel)

CDA Scope of Practice: Audiology (Scope of Practice for CDAs working under the supervision of an Audiologist: A Companion Document to Guidelines on the Use of Supportive Personnel)

CDAAC Guidelines: Best Practice Guidelines for CDAs Working in Private Practice (Guidelines for CDAs in private practice)

Infosheets and Posters

CDAAC Fact Sheet (Overview of CDAAC)

CDA Full Scope Poster (A visual that can be printed and shared with the public to increase CDA recognition)

CDAs vs. Non-Formally Trained Support Personnel Poster (A visual highlighting the differences in training and field experience of CDAs (formally trained) and non-formally trained supportive personnel in the field of communication disorders)

Advocating and Advancing the CDA Profession as a Practicing Professional (A visual describing ways CDAs can grow as a professional)